Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
PS - As if all this weren't bad enough, EM's birthday was this weekend. Happy-freaking-birthday, baby.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Three things...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Ellie is enjoying preschool. She's made several friends (Emma, Colt, Isis (her best friend) are just some of the names that come to mind), and enjoyed "trunk or treating" with them while dressed as a witch. And, as I lay in bed sick (special thanks I'm sure is owed to one of her little preschool friends), she went "trick-or-treating" with EM, Nanny and Pa.
Ellie has really been intrigued this year by the change of seasons. However, more than the change of seasons she especially enjoys the varied celebrations... Halloween... Thanksgiving... Christmas. Of course, I think this comes mostly from preschool and the different crafts they work on that are seasonally appropriate. (By the way, if you're looking for gift ideas - mind you, I'm not soliciting - anything in the arts/crafts genre will be a big hit with our little one.)
In closing, I'll note that Ellie will participate in a Christmas play at preschool next month. She has a spoken part, one that she memorized in the span of an hour. We are now working with her on speaking slowly and clearly so that everyone can understand her (the way she recites it now, she says it so fast it sounds like a jumbled mess). Hopefully, we'll have video to share following her acting debut.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Streak
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Our first parent teacher conference
We are very fortunate to have a great local preschool that has similar learning goals as we do.
The head teacher, Ms. B, brings the children into her room one on one in the week leading up to the conference. Each child is given a set of tasks to complete. The results are reviewed with us.
The tasks that were given to Ellie are all similar to things we have done and do with her on a daily basis. Ellie is able to do all of these things (cut a line with scissors, count to 10, recognize letters not in ABC order, follow three step directions, match similar objects, etc.). The amazing thing is that she didn't do all these things for Ms. B. She would show her some things and then just become silly.
I walked away having to remind myself that she is 3. As Ms. B said "she is intelligent, but she has the maturity of a three year old."
Ellie is our little smarty pants and she makes us proud.
BTW- Her fever finally broke and she is starting to feel better. We have a little ways to go but the end of this virus is in site.
Our little sickie
Our little one LOVES to drink, especially soy milk. If she had her way she would drink it all day with no limits. All signs pointed to really sick when she started turning her milk away.
This morning the fever broke for a while and Ellie at more at lunch then she had in days, but still no real desire for soy milk. I'll know we are in the clear when this returns.
Fingers crossed that this is the worst we pick up at preschool for the time being and that she wakes up feverless from her 4 plus hour nap.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Treasure Land
We have been spending quite a bit of time trying to curb Ellie's drive to be first at everything. I appreciate her motivation and hope that she continues to have some of this drive as she gets older, but at this point always being first doesn't fly in preschool. After her visit to treasure land a note came home from one of her teachers that after her treasure trip she was heard saying, "I'll always be second so that I can go to treasure land again."
Monday, September 27, 2010
Papa Smurf?
EM: Have any of the other kids brought in silly bands?
Ellie: The blue kid.
You see, she's made one friend thus far (and I apologize for not remembering her name). Ellie talks about that friend by name; however, all the other kids are apparently nameless.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mommy and Ellie Weekend
On Friday we went to the library for story time. We brought home a bunch of books. She loves to read so much. We have read them all a gagillion times.
On Saturday Ellie gave me two Dora stickers for "being so good to her."
On Sunday Ellie told me that "she belongs to me."
On Monday Ellie asked "when will I get my own doctor's office?" She wants to grow up and be a doctor "since she has so many doctor toys."
We had fun, but we missed everyone!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First Day of School
The first day of preschool seemed to go great! Ellie barely looked back when Daddy dropped her off. She seemed to enjoy her day. The only comment from the teachers was about Ellie always wanting to be first. This is no surprise to us. We have been working on this ALL summer.
It is amazing the drive this girl has to be first at everything, first up the stairs, first out the door, first on the potty. It is deep inside of her. It seems that preschool is the only answer to reigning this in. In fact, I think in one day and she has made progress . . . .
Later in the evening we were letting the dogs out as a family.
ED opened the door.
I said "Let Daddy and the doggies go out first."
Ellie said "It is good to go second."
Preschool is good!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Another first
Monday, August 23, 2010
My name

from right to left l, l, e, e, i
Ellie has known how to spell her name for a long time. Tonight I asked her to write her name. We have not been practicing. Occasionally when drawing I may ask her to draw a letter, but never her name.
So I was floored with the above attempt.
The letters may be written randomly on the page, but she got them all
Friday, August 13, 2010
In the interests of...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Happy Bday?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Our solar system and... jewelry
Ellie: Daddy, what are the names of the other planets?
Me: Mercury, Venus... etc.
Ellie: Which one has the rings?
Me: Saturn. Why?
Ellie: It's my favorite. The rings around it are like bracelets.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Trying to stay cool
Of course, the concept of staying cool also applies to us as it relates to our little one's temperament. She has been a bit prone, I guess as all toddlers are, to little fits/outbursts. It's a trying task to manage. We can only hope she shows some improvement before preschool starts in the fall.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
3!!! (It's the magic number)
This "magic number" also represents the number of parties she's had - Grammy's the 5th, ours the 12th, and Nanny and the quilting ladies today. As per usual, Ellie came home from quilting with painted nails (thanks to Ms. Diane). However, today she also came home with her own make-up/glam kit. She is so excited about this gift! I've already had more glittery lotions and balms applied to me than I ever thought possible - she is such a girly, girl.
After dinner tonight, EM and I sang her happy birthday and let her blow out a "3" candle on some leftover ice cream cake. It was a nice, quiet recognition of this very special day.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Today we're having people over to celebrate Ellie's third birthday. Once again, it'll be hot. And aside from the standard birthday fare and the standard cast of characters, this gathering will be special because it will be the first one shared with my dad and step-mom (Lisa).
They arrived last night from Florida. Ellie had never met them prior to yesterday, and while she is still trying to warm up to "grand dad," Ellie has taken to Lisa quickly - it's pretty funny how fast they hit it off.
Anyhow, I'm sure there will be more to write about following the party... we'll see.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Flying, new bed and classic retort
Sorry the posting is as sparse as it is. That's what happens when real life and a three (nearly) year old wear you down. Oh well.
In the morning, Ellie and EM join Nanny and Pa for a weekend trip to Philly. Once again, I'll be all by my lonesome (sort of). Ellie seems to be looking forward to the experience (Phil-E-delphia) and flying. I'll certainly miss her.
As EM was packing for the trip, it dawned on us that this is Ellie's last night in her crib. She has never once asked to not sleep in her crib. She's never tried to get out of her crib. We're pretty lucky, I guess. But with her third birthday fast approaching, we've been talking to her about getting "big girl" bedroom furniture. Well, we learned today that the furniture we selected for her arrives Monday. So tonight she's in her crib. Friday and Saturday she's with EM in a hotel bed. Sunday we have to have her old furniture out, so she'll probably sleep on a twin mattress on the floor. Yet another milestone. As much as we're all looking forward to this and we've tried to "talk it up", I feel certain it will ultimately be met with some resistance and tears.
Finally, overheard while packing...
EM (to Ellie): How many times must I repeat myself?!
Ellie (without skipping a beat): Three times.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Neigh Neigh
Ellie took to Neigh Neigh sometime in the fall I believe. She loves to sleep with him and pretend to ride on him. His poor neck is getting so floppy from how she holds him.
She really has an affinity for animals. She loves girlie things like princess and jewelry, but animals tend to be at the top.
Her other love is music. She sings and plays her pretend instruments. Over the weekend her and ED came to visit me at a local 5k that I organize. Ellie was insistent for days that she bring her plastic drum with her to play for the runners as they cross the finish. She brought it and played that drum with pride.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Dinner conversation
Me: What?
Ellie: Damn.
EM: Why did you say that?
Ellie: My Mickey phone is broken.
(EM and I struggle to contain our laughter.)
EM (to Ellie): That's not a nice word. Don't say that again.
EM (to me): I blame you.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Eater Egg Hunts
These pics are a little late. They are from Easter weekend. Ellie had a great time with two Easter egg hunts. Her favorite part was eating the jelly beans.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Spring Update
So what has Ellie been up to?
-She has been daytime potty trained since last summer, but her recently she is staying dry when sleeping.
-She is SO ready to start preschool. She will be starting in the fall.
-Ellie has memorized just about every book we read to her. I love it. She knows almost every word and can "read" her books to us.
-She LOVES music. It is amazing how music quiets her. She talks so much that it is hard for ED and myself to hold conversations most times, but turn that music on and we can talk all we want.
I will post some pics tomorrow of an outing we took yesterday.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Two noteworthy moments from a two yr old
Saturday Nans and Pa came to visit for dinner just before Pa was leaving for a business trip to Tenn.
ED whispers to Ellie "Ask Pa to bring you back a souvenir."
Ellie says to Pa "Bring me a super deer."
Pa is going to the yearly Tractor Supply meeting so who knows he might find a "super deer".
Sunday Ellie and I were working on getting her dressed.
Ellie starts whining. I ask her to stop.
She replies "But Mommy I am two."
Friday, February 26, 2010
Ellie Rose Doggie Princess Pirate Queen
or some version of that. I felt this name was worthy of its own post. Ellie gave herself this name. She lives life to the fullest to stand up to this name. At any given time she is all of these people and things. She has quite the imagination.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Not yet!
With that said, her favorite phrase right now is "NOT YET". We have been fighting the fight of Mommy, Daddy, and Nans standing our ground versus Ellie trying to get more out of us. It's a tiring and stressful fight at times.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
My sickies
What made her feel better? Sleeping on my cheek. In fact her exact request was "Mommy I want to cuddle with your squishy cheeks." Oh what we will do to keep the little ones happy.
It will be a miracle if I don't have a cold in a few days!
Get better my sickies!
UPDATE: No miracles around here. Sadly.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
She's a girly girl and a Daddy's girl
Now to be fair to ED I need to explain. For those of you who know ED well you know that he has a scowl. We have made mention a few times in front of Ellie that she has inherited her Daddy's scowl. Well we didn't realize until yesterday how she had taken note of that.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The next big step
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Under her spell
Sunday, January 3, 2010
A big thanks...