Saturday, January 9, 2010

Under her spell

I'm not sure if this qualifies... but, today I believe she read/spelled-out her first word all on her own. We were finishing breakfast when out of nowhere she started reading out loud the letters on her plate: "E-L-M-O... Elmo!" I was so proud, and surprised.



Aunt Laurie said...

Wow! That's better than my 9, 10 & 13 year olds!! Go Ellie =)

Ellie's Parents said...

She gets it from her mommy!

Anonymous said...

Wow...looks like you guys are a few weeks away from not being able to spell out things you don't want Ellie to know, like EM, you might not be able to say, "ED, you are a D-U-M-B-A-S-S!"

Anonymous said...

KT, You are soooo bad!!!

Ellie's Parents said...

S-U-C-K it, KT, S-U-C-K it!