Sunday, June 19, 2011

By the way...

...we went, as a family, for the sonogram this past week. Ellie's gonna have a baby brother. She's very excited. Now for a name....


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

I'm disappointed in myself... for the first time, I failed to make this post on the appropriate day. In all fairness though, yesterday was jammed busy.

The day started with a special birthday breakfast treat for me and my girl. Then she got to enjoy breakfast with Nanny and Pa. I can't recall how Ellie and Nans spent the morning, but they joined me for lunch. After doing who knows what during the afternoon, EM and I took Ellie out to dinner at her favorite restaurant. This was followed by ice cream and shopping.

Today, we spent the morning preparing for her birthday party. Her party featured Aunt Katie, Kinsey and Jack, among others. Nanny and Pa got Ellie her first big girl bike. Ellie was well-behaved and did her best to show affection and appreciation to all.

As if this weren't enough, we've also been prepping for our annual trip to the beach... we leave tomorrow. So, again, while I'm disappointed, I'm gonna try and cut myself some slack.

Happy Birthday, Ellie Rose! Mommy and I love you so much!!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little reader

Ellie is trying her best to read. Obviously, she's got a way to go but the effort is clearly there. Today, she was trying to read Nanny's mug. The mug reads "Life is a bitch." She spelled b-i-t-c-h and asked Nanny what word that is. Try as she might, Nanny could not fool her with alternate words (I'm envisioning Nanny saying "witch" and Ellie responding "that doesn't start with a B" and so on). Anyhow, Nanny broke down and told her it's a bad word and she need not worry about it (or she need not know what it is). Suffice it to say, Nanny will be drinking from a new mug tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I meant to post this sooner than I did, but life got in the way.... Anyhow, this year of preschool came to an end last week for Ellie. The director hosted a pool party. EM and Nans were in attendance. By all accounts Ellie had fun, and did well. I know she's looking forward to returning in the fall, but for now I'm sure her and Nans will keep each other entertained.