The comment came from our good friend, and the hostess of our spectacular baby shower, Katie (that would be her in the lovely green dress).
For those not familiar with Katie, she's something else; she's funny, vivacious, loyal, sexy, and my chief sparring partner, just to name a few. She will also, by the shear force of her will, be an awesome "aunt" for our little Ellie. As such, we've talked about what Ellie will call her. Last I can remember, we agreed on AK (aunt Katie); however, I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong.
Note to Katie: if you choose to correct me in this public forum, please keep the foul language and derogatory terms used to describe yours truly to a minimum as I don't want you corrupting Ellie any more than you already will!
If you're lookin' for milestones, may I suggest adding a sitemeter to your sidebar? They're free.
Aren't you just so sweet to Katie? Man, have you got some people fooled! Ha ha! I was so excited the other night when my phone rang at midnight and the caller ID has EM's cell number! I thought....Ellie is coming! But, alas, it was not to be. Dang those people calling and hanging up freaking EM out in the middle of the night. Soon, soon...I can hardly wait!
RAA - how do i add a sitemeter and other cool free features? please share your wisdom and experience!
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