Sunday, November 28, 2010


I guess this entry should begin with an apology - sorry for being slack with the updates. There's really no excuse for going this long without posting something (other than my football post last week which I hope morphs into a long, long tradition). That said, there hasn't been a whole lot going on; and, in my efforts to provide this update I'm sure I'll forget something/someone. Perhaps EM can cover for me in case I do suffer such a lapse....

Ellie is enjoying preschool. She's made several friends (Emma, Colt, Isis (her best friend) are just some of the names that come to mind), and enjoyed "trunk or treating" with them while dressed as a witch. And, as I lay in bed sick (special thanks I'm sure is owed to one of her little preschool friends), she went "trick-or-treating" with EM, Nanny and Pa.

Ellie has really been intrigued this year by the change of seasons. However, more than the change of seasons she especially enjoys the varied celebrations... Halloween... Thanksgiving... Christmas. Of course, I think this comes mostly from preschool and the different crafts they work on that are seasonally appropriate. (By the way, if you're looking for gift ideas - mind you, I'm not soliciting - anything in the arts/crafts genre will be a big hit with our little one.)

In closing, I'll note that Ellie will participate in a Christmas play at preschool next month. She has a spoken part, one that she memorized in the span of an hour. We are now working with her on speaking slowly and clearly so that everyone can understand her (the way she recites it now, she says it so fast it sounds like a jumbled mess). Hopefully, we'll have video to share following her acting debut.


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