Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mommy and Ellie Weekend

This past weekend ED headed to Las Vegas for a trip with some long time friends. Nans and Pa headed to the beach for a work/fun trip. That left Ellie and myself alone with 2 doggies. We had fun together. We missed everyone ALOT, but we enjoyed the time together.

On Friday we went to the library for story time. We brought home a bunch of books. She loves to read so much. We have read them all a gagillion times.

On Saturday Ellie gave me two Dora stickers for "being so good to her."

On Sunday Ellie told me that "she belongs to me."

On Monday Ellie asked "when will I get my own doctor's office?" She wants to grow up and be a doctor "since she has so many doctor toys."

We had fun, but we missed everyone!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Thanks, EM. Pa and Nans missed you both very much.