Monday, August 27, 2007

And the winner is...

...the Optimist Mom!!!

Many readers of this blog choose to remain anonymous and that's fine (heck, I try to maintain some level of anonymity myself). However, of the readers I know, I had a hunch the woman I like to refer to as RAA would come through. Anyhow, the answer to "the connection" was... song titles:

  • Doctor, Doctor - Thompson Twins
  • Tiny Bubbles - Don Ho
  • Saturday in the Park - Chicago
  • The Connection - Phish
This geeky little exercise of mine underscores my love of music. It's a love that I hope to pass on to Ellie. I can only hope such a love mainifests itself in my kind of music rather than strictly popular music (mind you, I'm not thumbing my nose at all popular music). Moreover, I would love it if she learns to make music as that is a skill that has always elluded me.

I do, however, have a knack for making up songs. It's nothing I would dare call, or equate to, writing music since all I really do is take the tune of a song and change the words. It is nevertheless, in my opinion, a talent (albeit a very small talent) that I possess. Take for instance my latest offering to Ellie (sorry, I can't remember which tune I borrowed):

    Ellie Rose is a cute little girl
    cutest little girl in the whole wide world
    Ellie Rose is cute and sweet
    from her two blue eyes
    to her two little feet.
Even if it isn't talent, it serves it's purpose:


Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Connection

Today's post is not really about Ellie even though I know that is completely contrary to the "mission statement" of this blog. Today's entry is about you, the reader. This little blog dedicated to one precious little girl is reaching a little milestone - 1,000 visits. In an effort to mark this achievement, I thought I'd have a little bit of fun* interaction with Ellie's fans.

This blog has been an entertaining experiment for me and I've been delighted with the results as well as the responses I've received. It's really neat to think about 10 weeks (that's right, she's ten weeks old and I guess I've just contradicted myself by making this post kind of sort of about her - oh well) of a new life being tracked, in this forum, by countless people - friends, family, acquaintances and strangers. I've noticed hits from all across the country and, even though I'm sure it was by accident, all over the world - thank you all for tuning in.

Now for the above-promised interaction. Your mission: tell me what the four most recent posts have in common (other than, of course, Ellie). The first one to correctly notify me, in any manner you choose, will earn bragging rights. Additionally, if you really push me on the issue of compensation, I could be persuaded to send you a framed image of your favorite Ellie picture (this might sweeten the pot for any non-competitive family members out there; otherwise, I could possibly be embarassed by an overwhelming lack of interaction).


*I realize this may be construed by some as a pathetic example of fun.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday in the park

In June, we chronicled Ellie's first play. It is in that spirit that I now realize I forgot to chronicle another first - her first concert. Last Saturday, in the town square, we attended a big band concert with Nanny, Grandpa, his sister Ron (Veronica) and her family (in town from NJ). Once again, Ellie was very well behaved and fun was had by all.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Tiny Bubbles

With all due respect to Don Ho, I think our little one offers the best version of tiny bubbles:


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Doctor, Doctor...

Ellie had her two month visit to the pediatrician today - shots and everything. I couldn't make it due to a work conflict. EM was worried about having to handle a traumatized baby on her own, and she had plenty of baby tylenol on hand just in case. Turns out it wasn't necessary. We're still giving her the tylenol, but Ellie handled it all like a big girl according to EM. The doctor also took some measurements and gave us a gauge of how Ellie's progressing. Ellie's weight of 12.2 lbs puts her in the 60th percentile, and her length of 23.5 inches places her in the 90th percentile. Honestly, it's really hard for me to know or understand what this all means in the grand scheme of things, but in my little world it makes me feel that baby girl is doing just fine. Yeah!


Friday, August 17, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So good

Tonight we went out with AK for a belated bday dinner (thanks for the food and the company). Ellie was very alert - she did a lot of looking around - and she was very well behaved. We are so happy and so fortunate! On top of it all, she's so darn cute:


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Birthday present

Today is my birthday. I've been asked several times what I want for my birthday. I know people are getting tired of my giving evasive answers but, the fact is, I've got everything I need... I can't think of anything else.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Did I mention she's playing more, too?

Yesterday, I briefly mentioned how Ellie's progressing. I forgot to mention that included in her list of accomplishments is the fact that she's playing more.

Taking a bite out of Clarissa the cow

A smile that lights up the room

She is fascinated by her reflection


Monday, August 6, 2007

Back to the grind

Well, I went back to work last week. I've been teaching online the whole time I've been home with Ellie, so I haven't been work-free; but, last week was the first week I had to leave her for extended amounts of time. Fortunately, EM is still at home to care for our little bundle of joy.

Ellie is doing great! She's blowing bubbles and cooing and lifting her head more and more. It's so cool to see it start to come together. She's still getting up - usually twice - at night, but you'd never know it judging by EM; she's doing a great job!

I should have some more pics later in the week, so be sure to check back.