and... Ellie PantHead:

So following up from where the last post left off, we've got much to look forward to in 2008. Off the top of my head, I can think of several things Ellie will be doing this year: crawling, walking, speaking her first words, and celebrating her first birthday. My question is, to those of you with more experience than us, what else can we expect from Ellie this year?
Although not a parent, I am an experienced aunt so I have a little to offer....I'm guessing Ellie may take her first dip in a pool this summer, you'll see lots more teeth in her sweet little mouth, once the walking starts you'll find that it is MUCH more difficult to get anything done since you have to have eyes on her at all times, on her first birthday you may find that cake icing is harder to get out of clothes/hair than you thought, and I know you will find out that you can't believe that this little girl could change so much in one whole year....it's unbelievable. Happy New Year!!
Along with walking she will have her first accident and maybe her first visit to the ER, as I experienced with Nicholas. Possibly her first haircut. This should be an incredible, memorable year for all three of you...so make sure you keep your camera handy so you can share with of of us who can't be there.
She may sleep all the way through the night.
First dance will be this year, while standing holding onto both of someone's hands.
First "real" shoes.
First Valentine's Day.
She may have her first hair trim this year (baby mullet - the scourge of new parents).
I hope she doesn't have her first ear infection, but she very well may.
First taste of popsicle is always a riot - have a camera ready.
Happy year of firsts!
Excellent list, Esbee!
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