Monday, January 14, 2008


EM's home and taking care of getting Ellie to bed. She had to work late and so I had an extra three hours of daddy daycare - on a mere four hours of sleep. It was not an easy extra three hours to say the least. However, as I now type this entry I can hear the sounds of a content baby and so my stress level is coming down. It's really amazing. No matter what I do, and no matter how hard I try, I will never be a match for EM and her boobs.



Nanny said...

Didn't you get boobs for Christmas???

Ellie's Parents said...

The gift - while suitable in the sex, cosmetic and entertainment industries - has no suitable purpose for our dear Ellie Rose. Oh, and according to the package, they are also good for "squeez[ing] and fondl[ing] your stress away." Would you care to borrow them?

Nanny said...

It sounded like you needed the "STRESS BOOBS".