Friday, January 25, 2008

What a week

EM can probably tell you better than I can, but for the last week or so Ellie has been waking up anywhere from 1am to 3am. That wouldn't be so bad except she hasn't gone back to sleep without great effort on our (OK, mostly EM's) part. This has not made for a particularly enjoyable week, especially when you consider we've been blessed (spoiled) with a baby that would sleep throughout the night since she was about eight weeks old. Anyhow, Ellie managed to get through all of last night without waking. So now I am hopeful that this "phase" is over with and she'll go back to spoiling us.



Anonymous said...

This may be a bit premature, but I am convinced that Ellie slept through the night last night with the aid of a hat. A warm head equals a comfortable baby.

Anonymous said...

I agree...hats are warm and an excellent fashion accessory. AK