Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The first morning...

Daddy daycare opened this morning at 6:30am. EM woke me up to let me know she was leaving and that Ellie last fed around 5am. Good start. That meant I could count on sleeping some more which is key for someone who got off work at 12:30am and crawled into bed around 1am.

Around 8:30am the little one started to stir. I got up, fixed her bottle and checked on her. More good news: as our eyes met, I was greeted by the most wonderful smile. I changed her wet diaper, and it was play time.

After about twenty minutes of interaction, Ellie decided she was hungry - not a problem since daddy was smart enough to get the bottle ready in advance. Ellie took almost four ounces, no problem. In fact, she was still making hungry faces when done with the first four so I prepared two more ounces. While doing that, I unloaded the dishwasher. As it turns out, I was so preoccupied with the dishwasher that I overheated her bottle. More good news: daddy and Ellie had more time to play while the bottle cooled.

Once done with feeding and taking it all in for a few minutes, Ellie started to fuss around five 'til ten. I'm pretty sure it was the "I'm tired, but I don't want to sleep" fuss; and, from there it was all downhill. I tried to get her to nap. She'd go about five minutes and then fuss again; this went on for twenty minutes. Then EM called to check on us which kind of set us back some more. Then while rocking Ellie, I noticed two neighborhood dogs running loose. I put Ellie in the crib and worked on corralling the little run-a-ways (I know this won't win me any parenting awards, but I couldn't let the doggies get hurt). By the time I got back in, Ellie was in full fuss mode. After trying everything I could think of without success, I finally decided around 11:30am to let her cry herself to sleep.

So here I sit, at 11:52am, and Ellie is finally sound asleep. The first morning of daddy daycare is nearly in the books, and it's been a full day already. I still have to shower, eat lunch, feed her, hand her off to Nanny and make it to the dentist by 2pm. EM should be home by 3:30pm to help out, so wish us luck and stay tuned for updates... as I'm not quite sure what it is I got myself into.



Anonymous said...

It sounds like you did good....I seriously would have loved to have been watching via closed circuit tv. I think I might have gotten a laugh or two. And least she didn't pee on your leg.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Crying is good lung exercise. If you have made certain she is fed, clean, covered and tired, it's really o.k. if she cries a little. You will know soon enough the distinctly different cry and you will react accordingly. Also, remember she has a guardian angel whose job it is to comfort her when you can't.