No real new news to report (although I did insert one little gem in a comment to a prior post).
We've finished inviting everyone we can think of to this blog, and the feedback has been wonderful! We're in a really great place right now. We've been blessed with many warm thoughts, offers of support and generous gifts. I know EM has done her best to send out "thank you" notes to everyone; but, I'm sure someone somewhere has been overlooked so just let me say on her behalf THANK YOU to each and everyone one of you!!!
Finally, I'd like to give a shout out to the Eckman
(pictured here, in the middle, with us, his wife, Bonnie, and his two kids - Emmy and Aaron). Next to EM, my friendship with him has been the most meaningful and enduring friendship of my life. We received an especially wonderful gift from him not too long ago. Let me tell you, this guy without fail knows how to give the most appropriate, thoughtful and generous gifts - it's an amazing talent he has. Sadly, repeated attempts to reach out to him have failed. So please, if you see this, call me! Email me! Something! Please?!
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