Sunday, June 10, 2007

The name game

Tonight we had dinner with EM's parents. The conversation turned to "what will Ellie call her grandparents?" Some ideas were tossed around. Some laughs were had. However, nothing was settled. I suppose only time will tell....

As for what she might call EM and I, the smart money is on mommy and daddy; but, depending on how this blog works out - who knows? EM and ED don't sound too bad.



Anonymous said...

LOVE the blog!!! I didn't know you had started one and I just read through all of your postings! They are great. I was bragging on you last night...telling Jay what a doting father and husband you have, you have everyone fooled! Ha ha!

Ruth Anne Adams said...

As a transplanted Yankee, I have a strong aversion to Meee-maw and Peee-paw [and the permutations thereof]. In fact, my children went through Bobo [grandpa is called peepaw by his other grandkids..blech!] and now they've settled on Paw. Granny Annie is the other side and Grampa Bob and Grama Sara are both in heaven.