Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Better early than late

Sunday, June 24, 2007
How it happened... one man's perspective
Let me begin by saying, it's been an impossibly-difficult-to-describe-wondermous kind of week. So much has happened that it's hard to believe little Ellie was born just a week ago. Moreover, because of all that has transpired this past week, I am certain that my recollection of the events leading up to her birth might be a bit off. With that said, I'm going to do my brief best to recall those events here, for you, our interested reader.
If you know me, or you recall from an earlier post, I work nights - typically second shift, but in the months leading up to Ellie's arrival it was more like third shift. On Friday, the 15th, I got up way too early for someone having to work that night from 9pm-5am. I don't recall if I got a nap in later that day; but, suffice it to say, I went to work and all was relatively well until the phone rang at 3am on the 16th.
EM was experiencing severe back pain and could not sleep. However, she indicated that she did not need me and that she'd make due 'til I got home. With my shift over, I arrived at the house around 5:20am to find her sitting on the floor in obvious discomfort. Again, she indicated there was nothing to do and I went to bed without her. As it turns out, the pain did not lessen and as I slept she called the doctor. EM woke me up around 6:30am, and said we've got to go to the hospital - the doctor was concerned it was either labor or a kidney issue.
We made it to the triage unit in the labor/delivery unit of the hospital around 7:20am not knowing what was going on or what to expect. Paperwork was completed, questions answered and routine evaluations completed and yet nothing was clear about the source of EM's pain. It was only until a routine, and initially overlooked, cervical exam was complete a few hours later that things started to change. EM was bleeding. The doctor decided, due to the advanced stage of pregnancy, not to take any chances - labor would be induced.
By 11am or so, we spread the word that little Ellie was on the way. As the staff prepared to move EM to a labor/delivery room, I went to get the two of us a bite to eat. After lunch, which EM did not respond well to, the inducement and waiting began. EM made slow, steady progress with respect to dilation and effacement (see my prior comment here). By 4pm she received an epidural. Eventually, and I don't recall exactly when, we were joined by EM's mom (I think she's going by Nanny, but I'm not sure) and AK.
It was a long, and for EM uncomfortable, wait. We estimated, and revised, arrival times. We guessed baby weight and length and even got in a card game - all to pass the time. Throughout this time EM and Ellie were fine according to all the medical monitors. Then, two skits into SNL, we were informed it was time to push.
Now prior to this, we had prepared a birth plan. The plan called for me, and me alone, to be in the delivery room. However, when it came time to push that plan somehow changed. Nana and AK stayed, and thank God they did - they were a huge help! In fact, I've wondered in retrospect what would have happened if they weren't there. You see, I stayed by EM per the plan and the rest of team Ellie - Nana and AK - each grabbed a leg. So if they weren't there, what would have happened? Would her legs have been placed in stirrups? Would other nurses have been called in? It's really immaterial, but I wonder nonetheless.
Team Ellie, without any practice or experience, came together quickly. With nurse Roxanne coaching us, EM pushed and pushed and pushed some more and we did our best to help. An hour plus into the pushing, the doctor was consulted and it was decided that Ellie would come out with a little help from her good friend, Mr. Forceps. By 1:30am on the 17th everything was in place for the final part of Ellie's delivery. After twenty-some hours of labor, and close to two hours of pushing, poor EM was exhausted and could push no more. Dr. Lipscomb took over from there and pulled our little girl out - at 1:46am - and as he did he noticed the cord was wrapped around Ellie's neck. As it turned out, the cord was a non-issue. I think the doctor was simply surprised the cord was there since her vitals had been so consistently good throughout the process.
The emotions that run through you during this time are so intense and varied; but, once you hear the first cry it is nothing but pure joy and relief. I'd be a liar if I said it didn't bring tears to my eyes - it was that awesome. Then, as everyone rushed around to see and attend to Ellie, EM and I shared some wonderfully peaceful moments together as the doctor tended to her needs. After all of that, I got to hold my little girl....
If you know me, or you recall from an earlier post, I work nights - typically second shift, but in the months leading up to Ellie's arrival it was more like third shift. On Friday, the 15th, I got up way too early for someone having to work that night from 9pm-5am. I don't recall if I got a nap in later that day; but, suffice it to say, I went to work and all was relatively well until the phone rang at 3am on the 16th.
EM was experiencing severe back pain and could not sleep. However, she indicated that she did not need me and that she'd make due 'til I got home. With my shift over, I arrived at the house around 5:20am to find her sitting on the floor in obvious discomfort. Again, she indicated there was nothing to do and I went to bed without her. As it turns out, the pain did not lessen and as I slept she called the doctor. EM woke me up around 6:30am, and said we've got to go to the hospital - the doctor was concerned it was either labor or a kidney issue.
We made it to the triage unit in the labor/delivery unit of the hospital around 7:20am not knowing what was going on or what to expect. Paperwork was completed, questions answered and routine evaluations completed and yet nothing was clear about the source of EM's pain. It was only until a routine, and initially overlooked, cervical exam was complete a few hours later that things started to change. EM was bleeding. The doctor decided, due to the advanced stage of pregnancy, not to take any chances - labor would be induced.
By 11am or so, we spread the word that little Ellie was on the way. As the staff prepared to move EM to a labor/delivery room, I went to get the two of us a bite to eat. After lunch, which EM did not respond well to, the inducement and waiting began. EM made slow, steady progress with respect to dilation and effacement (see my prior comment here). By 4pm she received an epidural. Eventually, and I don't recall exactly when, we were joined by EM's mom (I think she's going by Nanny, but I'm not sure) and AK.
It was a long, and for EM uncomfortable, wait. We estimated, and revised, arrival times. We guessed baby weight and length and even got in a card game - all to pass the time. Throughout this time EM and Ellie were fine according to all the medical monitors. Then, two skits into SNL, we were informed it was time to push.
Now prior to this, we had prepared a birth plan. The plan called for me, and me alone, to be in the delivery room. However, when it came time to push that plan somehow changed. Nana and AK stayed, and thank God they did - they were a huge help! In fact, I've wondered in retrospect what would have happened if they weren't there. You see, I stayed by EM per the plan and the rest of team Ellie - Nana and AK - each grabbed a leg. So if they weren't there, what would have happened? Would her legs have been placed in stirrups? Would other nurses have been called in? It's really immaterial, but I wonder nonetheless.
Team Ellie, without any practice or experience, came together quickly. With nurse Roxanne coaching us, EM pushed and pushed and pushed some more and we did our best to help. An hour plus into the pushing, the doctor was consulted and it was decided that Ellie would come out with a little help from her good friend, Mr. Forceps. By 1:30am on the 17th everything was in place for the final part of Ellie's delivery. After twenty-some hours of labor, and close to two hours of pushing, poor EM was exhausted and could push no more. Dr. Lipscomb took over from there and pulled our little girl out - at 1:46am - and as he did he noticed the cord was wrapped around Ellie's neck. As it turned out, the cord was a non-issue. I think the doctor was simply surprised the cord was there since her vitals had been so consistently good throughout the process.
The emotions that run through you during this time are so intense and varied; but, once you hear the first cry it is nothing but pure joy and relief. I'd be a liar if I said it didn't bring tears to my eyes - it was that awesome. Then, as everyone rushed around to see and attend to Ellie, EM and I shared some wonderfully peaceful moments together as the doctor tended to her needs. After all of that, I got to hold my little girl....
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Lewisville is a quiet little, family-oriented town. Tonight, we took Ellie to a play sponsored by the Parks & Rec Department. It was quite enjoyable. There's still four nights left, so if you get a chance I'd recommend you grab a lawn chair and take it in.

Friday, June 22, 2007

I've yet to address the delivery of our baby girl in this forum; but, long story short, we were awake for an exceedingly long time prior to her birth and we've been trying to catch up on our sleep ever since. Of course, Ellie sleeps more than we do and, consequently, we live vicariously through her by watching her sleep and that's been fun (I could literally watch her for hours on end).
Watching Ellie sleep is made more fun by listening to the various sounds she makes as she sleeps. In this very brief video, shot at the hospital, you can hear her moaning while she sleeps. This is something we noticed about her early on in our observations of her. It really cracked me up at first, so much so we couldn't shoot this video 'til I stopped laughing. (Note: make sure your volume is up and know that her moans begin at roughly the 16 second mark.)
Watching Ellie sleep is made more fun by listening to the various sounds she makes as she sleeps. In this very brief video, shot at the hospital, you can hear her moaning while she sleeps. This is something we noticed about her early on in our observations of her. It really cracked me up at first, so much so we couldn't shoot this video 'til I stopped laughing. (Note: make sure your volume is up and know that her moans begin at roughly the 16 second mark.)
Quick update
Baby girl is doing great! At yesterday's visit, our pediatrician informed us that Ellie's bilirubin is down and her weight is up. EM and I are relieved and ready to lavish more attention on her!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
It's amazing what some good rest, and a content baby, will do for one's perspective.
Yesterday's post was on the heels of no rest and a fussy baby. You see, Ellie has lost more than 10% of her birth weight and is jaundiced. Therefore, we've been a bit stressed while we work hard to feed her as much as possible and keep her on the bilibed. (Tip o' the hat to RAA.)
Today we visit the pediatrician to find out if our hard work has paid dividends. In the meantime, here are some pics:

Yesterday's post was on the heels of no rest and a fussy baby. You see, Ellie has lost more than 10% of her birth weight and is jaundiced. Therefore, we've been a bit stressed while we work hard to feed her as much as possible and keep her on the bilibed. (Tip o' the hat to RAA.)
Today we visit the pediatrician to find out if our hard work has paid dividends. In the meantime, here are some pics:

Holding Ellie for the first time

Thanking my girls for the best father's day gift ever
Our baby girl
Leaving the hospital
One of many naps in the bilibed
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
No matter what anyone tells you, you can't prepare for parenting an infant.
Don't get me wrong, we are thrilled to have little miss Ellie and to be doing what we are doing! Moreover, we are absolutely in love with, and star-struck by, her; but, it's draining to love and care for such a helpless and dependent new life.
In other words, while we've taken plenty of pics and we have lots to say about the past few days, we are just too pooped to do anything more about it at this time and in this forum.
Don't get me wrong, we are thrilled to have little miss Ellie and to be doing what we are doing! Moreover, we are absolutely in love with, and star-struck by, her; but, it's draining to love and care for such a helpless and dependent new life.
In other words, while we've taken plenty of pics and we have lots to say about the past few days, we are just too pooped to do anything more about it at this time and in this forum.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!!!
Ellie Rose was born today at 1:46am. To say I received the best father's day gift ever is such a gross understatement. Everyone is happy (another understatement) and healthy. More to follow....
Friday, June 15, 2007
I'm still trying to get a feel for this blogging thing...
I can't believe it's already Friday, and that I last posted here on Tuesday. So much for trying to stay on top of this thing. Oh well.
No real new news to report (although I did insert one little gem in a comment to a prior post).
We've finished inviting everyone we can think of to this blog, and the feedback has been wonderful! We're in a really great place right now. We've been blessed with many warm thoughts, offers of support and generous gifts. I know EM has done her best to send out "thank you" notes to everyone; but, I'm sure someone somewhere has been overlooked so just let me say on her behalf THANK YOU to each and everyone one of you!!!
Finally, I'd like to give a shout out to the Eckman
(pictured here, in the middle, with us, his wife, Bonnie, and his two kids - Emmy and Aaron). Next to EM, my friendship with him has been the most meaningful and enduring friendship of my life. We received an especially wonderful gift from him not too long ago. Let me tell you, this guy without fail knows how to give the most appropriate, thoughtful and generous gifts - it's an amazing talent he has. Sadly, repeated attempts to reach out to him have failed. So please, if you see this, call me! Email me! Something! Please?!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
No, this isn't about handguns or defunct 80's rock bands. This is a brief salute to my wonderful, loving wife.
EM's been carrying our little bundle of joy for 38 weeks now, and she's done a tremendous job - that's just one of the many reasons why she is so special to me. I love you, sweet baby! Hang in there. MWA!

Names (cont'd)
For those of you keeping score at home, yesterday this blog achieved a milestone... the first comment was posted. Not too bad considering the only person I have shared this with, at this point, is EM.
The comment came from our good friend, and the hostess of our spectacular baby shower, Katie (that would be her in the lovely green dress).
For those not familiar with Katie, she's something else; she's funny, vivacious, loyal, sexy, and my chief sparring partner, just to name a few. She will also, by the shear force of her will, be an awesome "aunt" for our little Ellie. As such, we've talked about what Ellie will call her. Last I can remember, we agreed on AK (aunt Katie); however, I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong.
Note to Katie: if you choose to correct me in this public forum, please keep the foul language and derogatory terms used to describe yours truly to a minimum as I don't want you corrupting Ellie any more than you already will!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The name game
Tonight we had dinner with EM's parents. The conversation turned to "what will Ellie call her grandparents?" Some ideas were tossed around. Some laughs were had. However, nothing was settled. I suppose only time will tell....
As for what she might call EM and I, the smart money is on mommy and daddy; but, depending on how this blog works out - who knows? EM and ED don't sound too bad.
As for what she might call EM and I, the smart money is on mommy and daddy; but, depending on how this blog works out - who knows? EM and ED don't sound too bad.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
EM and I are admittedly anal. So it's difficult to tell what is normal cleaning/tidying vs. what is not. Anyhow, I did not post last night because she had me assist her in some heavy duty cleaning... or was it nesting? Obviously, we'll be better able to assess this in retrospect which is another wonderful reason for maintaining this blog. Now, back to the nest... er, um... cleaning. Sigh.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Isn't she lovely...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Obviously, the inspiration for this blog is Ellie.
However, I feel I'd be remiss if I did not at least acknowledge two blogs I keep up with that have also served as an inspiration of sorts: http://optimistmom.blogspot.com/ and http://lifeinforsyth.blogspot.com/.
Lastly, I'd also like to mention my dear friend Becky. Becky and I go way back and, the last time I visited with her, I learned that she is hand-writing letters to her little two year old princess, Payton. That's right. Read it slowly and let it sink in: she is H-A-N-D-W-R-I-T-I-N-G letters to her daughter. Wow.
Sorry, Ellie, I'm not that good.
However, I feel I'd be remiss if I did not at least acknowledge two blogs I keep up with that have also served as an inspiration of sorts: http://optimistmom.blogspot.com/ and http://lifeinforsyth.blogspot.com/.
Lastly, I'd also like to mention my dear friend Becky. Becky and I go way back and, the last time I visited with her, I learned that she is hand-writing letters to her little two year old princess, Payton. That's right. Read it slowly and let it sink in: she is H-A-N-D-W-R-I-T-I-N-G letters to her daughter. Wow.
Sorry, Ellie, I'm not that good.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Greetings and Salutations
Well, without any fanfare, here it is....
Ellie is a beautiful, wonderful, extremely well-loved baby girl. I'm Ellie's dad (ED) and this, as noted in the description above, is a little catalog of sorts dedicated to her and her life. Ellie's anticipated arrival date is June 26. As such, I guess these first few posts will be more about her orgins and less about her specifically.
I've never blogged before and, coincidentally, I've never parented before. So while I'm nervously excited to experience blogging and parenting, if this blogging thing doesn't work out it's no big deal; I'm just trying to leave my baby girl a little gift of sorts. The real key here, of course, is the parenting of which I have no choice but to do and do well. Please take pity on me as a stumble through this and if anyone has any constructive comments pertaining to blogging, parenting or life in general, I welcome your input.
Ellie's mom (EM) and I have been married for what's coming on four years; we've been together for nearly ten. EM is 37 weeks pregnant and is struggling through the last few uncomfortable and swollen weeks like a real champ. She's had a virtually perfect pregnancy minus a few bouts of indigestion and an awful stomach virus. All her visits to the doctor have gone well and I'm proud to say I've accompanied her to all but two. We've also attended birthing classes and breast-feeding classes together. EM has been working very hard to get things just right for our baby girl... the nursery is essentially complete, her overnight bag is almost packed and the birthing plan is in the final stages. She's going to be a great mom. I love her and appreciate her dearly.
With that said, I expect most of this blog will be authored by yours truly. You see, due to the times being what they are, we both must work. However, I have the good fortune of working at night so that I can care for baby Ellie during the day and EM can care for her at night. Consequently, and I could be wrong, I suspect I'll have a little more free time (that, and me and the computer sometimes seem to be connected at the hip) than EM and so I hope to invest some of that time right here.
There you have it. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I look forward to whatever it is and I hope to write about it here when I get the chance.
Ellie is a beautiful, wonderful, extremely well-loved baby girl. I'm Ellie's dad (ED) and this, as noted in the description above, is a little catalog of sorts dedicated to her and her life. Ellie's anticipated arrival date is June 26. As such, I guess these first few posts will be more about her orgins and less about her specifically.
I've never blogged before and, coincidentally, I've never parented before. So while I'm nervously excited to experience blogging and parenting, if this blogging thing doesn't work out it's no big deal; I'm just trying to leave my baby girl a little gift of sorts. The real key here, of course, is the parenting of which I have no choice but to do and do well. Please take pity on me as a stumble through this and if anyone has any constructive comments pertaining to blogging, parenting or life in general, I welcome your input.
Ellie's mom (EM) and I have been married for what's coming on four years; we've been together for nearly ten. EM is 37 weeks pregnant and is struggling through the last few uncomfortable and swollen weeks like a real champ. She's had a virtually perfect pregnancy minus a few bouts of indigestion and an awful stomach virus. All her visits to the doctor have gone well and I'm proud to say I've accompanied her to all but two. We've also attended birthing classes and breast-feeding classes together. EM has been working very hard to get things just right for our baby girl... the nursery is essentially complete, her overnight bag is almost packed and the birthing plan is in the final stages. She's going to be a great mom. I love her and appreciate her dearly.
With that said, I expect most of this blog will be authored by yours truly. You see, due to the times being what they are, we both must work. However, I have the good fortune of working at night so that I can care for baby Ellie during the day and EM can care for her at night. Consequently, and I could be wrong, I suspect I'll have a little more free time (that, and me and the computer sometimes seem to be connected at the hip) than EM and so I hope to invest some of that time right here.
There you have it. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I look forward to whatever it is and I hope to write about it here when I get the chance.
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