Friday, May 30, 2008

Ellie Rose

I don't exactly recall how or when EM and I arrived at the name Ellie Rose, other than Rose was the name of my mom's mom - a wonderfully strong Cajun woman who sadly never got to meet the woman I married and vice-versa. I do know we agreed on the name at least a couple of years before EM was pregnant. Nor do I recall how I arrived at the name for this blog. I know "Ellie's World" was taken, but I can't remember if I tried other variations or not. In any event, we received an email from Uncle Bill the other day and he pointed out a blog that I know with certainty never crossed my radar before the creation of the blog you are currently reading. The blog is "The World According to Ellie Rose" and I'm a bit saddened to see it, but being a dog owner I do prefer it to a blog about cats or some ego-maniac.


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