As noted elsewhere, Ellie's been having a little trouble sleeping; and,while this problem has not yet resolved itself, it is not as bad as it was. Esbee, in reading about this, commented that her children would sleep "more fitfully" prior to achieving a gross motor milestone, and wondered if that might be what was happening with Ellie.
I didn't want to say anything at first, but I think Esbee was right - sort of. Ellie has achieved a gross motor milestone - sort of.
The reason I didn't note this sooner was 1. I wanted to make sure it wasn't a fluke, and 2. I wasn't sure what to call it/how to describe it (truthfully, I'm still not sure on the latter point).
It all started Monday or Tuesday night (EM's not sure, and I was at work both nights). Ellie begins by pushing up on her arms and trying to get her knees under her. She ends with her knees giving way and her entire body sliding back. She then repeats this process multiple times until A. she gets cranky, or B. she backs into something. Her gross motor milestone... backwards scooting!

So then why did I write Esbee was sort of correct? And this was sort of a milestone? Well, I'm no expert in child development issues so I'm not sure if we can call backwards scooting a gross motor milestone. Also, as I noted earlier, we still have some sleep issues from time-to-time (for example, 2:30 this morning). Perhaps once Ellie gets her knees under her, and moves forward, maybe then the sleep situation will be resolved and we can say she's crawling. Until that time, she's backwards scooting.
PS - As I was wrapping up this entry, I was urgently beckoned by EM to assist her as she tried to bathe Ellie. The urgency? It turns out that we've achieved another milestone... our first brown trout in the tub. Yeah!
Nothing like a Baby Ruth in the pool to get ya movin'!!
Congrats on the scootin...and pootin!
Haha! Nice one.
Oh, goodness, ED, if she's that close to crawling, that's probably it. Mine both went backwards before forwards, and once they went forwards, back to sleep they went!
Try to comfort her when she wakes, but without getting her up and out. She's not waking up purposely, and she doesn't even know why. She's just going with her poor body's instincts.
Once she gets that crawl going, though, hang on. You'll love the commando crawl and the crab crawl. They really take it to an art form. It's almost a shame they ever walk.
PS: Thank you for such kind words. I've enjoyed watching your baby girl's development. She's a doll.
Oh, my dear brother! How thankful I am that you record so much on this blog, I actually feel like I'm there. It appears Ellie has reminded you that with every bad or difficult situauion there's more good that out weighs the bad.
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