Friday, February 22, 2008

got breast milk?

OK. I've slacked on the posts here recently. No particular reason. I just have. In an effort to not go another day without posting, I submit the following; however, I'll be the first to admit this is a bit of a stretch. As such, I beg your indulgence.

I'm sure you all remember the fabulous "got milk?" ad campaign. Here's a brief refresher:

Anyhow, we started giving Ellie baby yogurt not too long ago. Well, to my surprise, this yogurt has a slightly more fluid consistency than adult yogurt. In feeding it to her, I was reminded of the "got milk?" images seared in to my mind's eye. So then I started thinking that there is probably a breast-feeding lobby out there, and maybe they could employ the "got milk?" strategy to advance their cause. If so, I think Ellie is up for the task:



Ruth Anne Adams said...

And the radical ones are called "lactivists."

Ellie's Parents said...

I'm glad to see that even with your break from blogging you have not lost your "pun"ch.