Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It was bound to happen

Ellie is sick. For the first time in 17+ months, I can truly say this. Sure, she had a mild reaction to an immunization and she had a severe diaper rash brought on by a protracted case of diarrhea. However, other than those two relatively minor episodes, she has been a remarkably healthy baby up until now.

So what ails our little one? Well, we got our first suspicions that all was not well with Ellie last night as she slept. She was snoring loudly which is unlike her and she coughed once or twice in a very congested manner. Then, today, everything became clear as I heard more coughing paired with some labored breathing, felt a slight fever, wiped her nose countless times and accommodated, as best I could, her high degree of clingy-ness.

I'm really proud and impressed that she's gone this long without getting sick. I attribute this mostly to EM's efforts as well as the isolated nature of daddy daycare. But now that the streak has ended, all we can do is hope and pray for the best. It really does suck though to see your little one not doing so well and know that there's not much that can be done, beyond offering as much comfort as possible to the little angel with the limited vocabulary (I mean, really, it would be nice if she could tell us exactly what is bothering her and how we could help), since these things just have to run their course.

Hang in there baby girl. We love you!


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