Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm back!

OK. So I never actually left. But I do find it a bit hard to believe that this is my first post in two weeks. There's been a couple of times I came close to making posts over that time, but then life got in the way. I'm sure you all know how that goes. In any event, I plan to do a better job of posting now (at least for the next few weeks... a topic for yet another post).

With that said, Ellie and I made our first trek to the local children's museum. This is definitely a place to enjoy with kids of all ages, and I'm sure we will return. Ellie participated in, among other things, shopping, arts/crafts, dressing up and story time.

A few notes of caution: there was a school group there and I overheard a staff member say that Fridays are the most common days for such outings; there are only a couple of vending machines on site, so plan (and pack) accordingly if you think you might be there longer than say two hours; and, the admission isn't cheap, at $7 per person over the age of one, for a couple of hours of entertainment (we had a buy one get one free coupon, so it wasn't a big deal). Then again, when you stack it up against a movie, for example, it's probably a relative bargain and it's more mind-expanding, too. Anyhow, it was a good way to kill time on an otherwise dreary day.



Anonymous said...

They have $3 admission days (or evenings) about once a month - the dates are on their website I believe.

Ellie's Parents said...

Good to know... thanks!!!