Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bad to worse
UPDATE: It's now Saturday night, the 29th, and we are all - finally - feeling better. Not 100%, but good enough.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm sure you all saw this coming...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Ellie-assisted Wolfpack 2, Lowly Tarheels 0
The picture that follows was taken when she was feeling much better and it was much nicer out, but I've been hanging on to it for just this purpose.

and we know we are the best.
Hands behind our back,
we can take on all the rest.
GO TO HELL Carolina!
Devils and Deacs stand in line.
The red and white from NC State.
Go State!
Friday, November 21, 2008
PS - It's not too common around here that we would go from fall frolicking (posted 11/17) to snow (posted 11/21) in the span of four days. So, just to be clear, this further confirms the slack nature of my posting for the first half of November.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
It was bound to happen
So what ails our little one? Well, we got our first suspicions that all was not well with Ellie last night as she slept. She was snoring loudly which is unlike her and she coughed once or twice in a very congested manner. Then, today, everything became clear as I heard more coughing paired with some labored breathing, felt a slight fever, wiped her nose countless times and accommodated, as best I could, her high degree of clingy-ness.
I'm really proud and impressed that she's gone this long without getting sick. I attribute this mostly to EM's efforts as well as the isolated nature of daddy daycare. But now that the streak has ended, all we can do is hope and pray for the best. It really does suck though to see your little one not doing so well and know that there's not much that can be done, beyond offering as much comfort as possible to the little angel with the limited vocabulary (I mean, really, it would be nice if she could tell us exactly what is bothering her and how we could help), since these things just have to run their course.
Hang in there baby girl. We love you!
Monday, November 17, 2008

We live at the end of a heavily wooded street. As I like to say, we bought our current home because EM liked the house and I liked the lot. However, it is around this time of the year that I become not so fond of our lot due to all the leaves that I must tend to.
In any event, we (really, mostly me) have had some good opportunities here recently to gather leaves and this has allowed us to introduce Ellie to some of fall's simple pleasures - listening to the leaves crunch under your feet, jumping into piles of leaves, and delighting in the palette of colors mother nature provides this time of year, just to name a few.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I'm back!
With that said, Ellie and I made our first trek to the local children's museum. This is definitely a place to enjoy with kids of all ages, and I'm sure we will return. Ellie participated in, among other things, shopping, arts/crafts, dressing up and story time.
A few notes of caution: there was a school group there and I overheard a staff member say that Fridays are the most common days for such outings; there are only a couple of vending machines on site, so plan (and pack) accordingly if you think you might be there longer than say two hours; and, the admission isn't cheap, at $7 per person over the age of one, for a couple of hours of entertainment (we had a buy one get one free coupon, so it wasn't a big deal). Then again, when you stack it up against a movie, for example, it's probably a relative bargain and it's more mind-expanding, too. Anyhow, it was a good way to kill time on an otherwise dreary day.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
727 days . . .
I fed Ellie every other hour at first. Slowly it turned into every 3-4 hours. By eight weeks she was sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at night. I returned to work when Ellie was 11 weeks old. I fed her in the a.m., pumped twice at work, and fed her 2-3 times after work. As she was turning 7-8 months she started dropping feedings. By one year I was just feeding her in the morning before work and then in the evening before bed. Over the summer she dropped the morning feeding and started to sleep later. And now in the past few days she dropped the last feeding, the best feeding of them all, the one right before bed.
The amazing thing is that none of this weaning has been difficult. Ellie and I just knew when it was time. Over the past few weeks she has been very insistent that she needed milk from mommy. After bath time we would move to our bedroom, play, and watch tv. If I sat in the milk chair she would have a fit. "Milk, milk, milk." Her last feeding was Tuesday night. She asked for milk. She couldn't focus though. She wanted to talk to Daddy. Since then I haven't sat in the milk chair and she hasn't asked for it. So as far as I can say now, breastfeeding is over.
I am so happy that we made it this far, but I am sad to see it go. I will miss having that time with Ellie to hold her, to cuddle with her with her focus on me. I will miss her falling asleep while feeding... so content. We will just have to find other ways and times to cuddle and love each other.
I love you Ellie Rose. You are growing up so fast. This sure is a sign that you are not a baby anymore.
Love, Mama
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ohhhhhh Ohhhhhh