Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween meltdown

We were going to take Ellie to a couple of houses for trick-or-treating, and then let her stay up with us a little bit while we handed out candy. However, before doing this we wanted to take some pictures of her in her costume. Well, that didn't happen. I think Ellie was a little hungry and, therefore, she became quite fussy when we tried to complete her outfit. Long story short, we have no pics worth sharing. Sorry.


Update: Ellie ate a little and we were much happier. We didn't go trick or treating, but Ellie did the next best thing- play with candy. She was impartial to the doorbell ringing, but she said "Bye" to each and everyone of them as I shut the door.

This was the best costume picture we could get- she's a ladybug.

Ellie was very content playing with candy. Is it wrong to pick candy up off the floor to give to the trick or treaters?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First...pants are adorable. candy off the floor is fine. When you are begging at a door for free candy you take what you get and be happy.