Monday, October 6, 2008

Chance Encounter

Ellie and I were at the library today for storytime. Today's theme was firefighters since today is the beginning of fire prevention week - a fact that had escaped me. The local chief handed out badges and helmets and coloring books - we picked a great day to go as far as entertainment goes. The event was well attended and a photographer was onhand to capture some of the moments. Well, the photographer just happened to also be at the music under the stars event we attended in August. She instantly recognized Ellie and approached me to introduce herself and tell us about how she got some great pictures of Ellie that night. She posted the pics on her website, so you can judge for yourself.



Anonymous said...

Hello, Ellie's dad! I was checking my web logs this morning and saw a referral from your blog. Just wanted to say thanks for putting a link to my website on your blog -- which, by the way, is a fun site! And I can tell it's dear to your heart.

It was nice meeting you -- and Ellie again!

All the best,
Deb Phillips

Ellie's Parents said...

Thanks, Deb.

I really do like your work. I've got a couple of prints in particular that I plan to order so be on the lookout.