Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ellie and the sweet potato

So I realize I have no basis for comparison when I say this, but I think our darling, little Ellie has some odd attachment issue(s). For your consideration, I submit Exhibit A: Mr. Boogs, and Exhibit B: a sweet potato:

We visited with Nanny and Grandpa last night. And, as we prepared for dinner, Ellie managed to get a sweet potato out of the pantry. What followed was, as these pictures document, a new friendship.

All I can think to ask at this point: is this normal? Or, should I begin putting money aside for a psychiatrist?



Anonymous said...

Our little girl is very normal. Look at her grandparents.

Lucy said...

So normal. So cute.

Anonymous said...

Ellie is quite normal, now ED not so much! Ha ha!

Renee said...

Very normal.... My little girl ask her Maw-Maw one Christmas for (strings, rocks, & leaves). She still has the gift and loves to get them out an play with them.

(Just think of the money you will save)

Ruth Anne Adams said...

How do you think Mr. Potatohead came about? It used to be that you provided the potato and they provided all the accoutrements.