Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Our darling Ellie has been inundated with toys (and really anything else a baby could want) since day one. Some toys, etc., have resonated with her more than others. However, over the last few days we have noticed that one "toy" in particular has commanded her attention unlike any other to date - she travels with it, sleeps with it, nurses with it. Which "toy" you ask has captivated our little one's attention?

We like to call him Mr. Boogs (as in booger). Mr. Boogs is Ellie's aspirator. Don't ask me how or why this relationship developed because I don't have an answer. We are just coming to terms with this odd matter ourselves. In fact, about the only thing we can think of at this point is just how mortified will we be when the time comes, out in public, that people stop and stare at the strange little family with the strange little girl hugging... and loving... and otherwise enjoying... her aspirator. Sigh.

Sorry this photo isn't the best; for some reason, I haven't had the opportunity (or is it the willingness) to take many pictures of her and Mr. Boogs.

Care to share any similarly strange attachments?



Ruth Anne Adams said...

When my girls were baptized in the NICU, the priest used a nasal aspirator to pour water on them. Useful in many ways, you see.

Annie's kinda attached to her leg, but other than that...

Ellie's Parents said...

Annie's attachment is one that we all want to see grow stronger and stronger with time.