- Intentionally dropping things. Ellie has discovered gravity is pretty cool. She likes to pick up things and drop them. This applies especially to food (her favorite item to drop is cheerios), which is made extra cool by the fact that she has two dogs ready, willing and able to gobble up anything edible that she drops.
- Pointing. She does this almost exclusively with her right hand, and with her thumb sticking out a bit. We do our best to tell her what it is she's pointing at even though sometimes we aren't really sure if she's pointing at anything at all. Of course, we are looking forward to the day (or is it dreading) when the pointing is followed by "what's that?"
- Pulling up. She is pulling herself up on just about everything. So between her crawling and pulling up, we are starting to see more bumps and scratches. Cruising and walking can't be far off now. Once that happens we are all in trouble (the dogs in particular as she is becoming more and more interested in them).
- Sleeping well. The first two months were difficult. The next five months were great, followed by another difficult two months. We discussed Ferberizing her, but that never really took off; that is, EM and I never truly committed to it. As it turns out, I guess we don't have to. Our best guess is that month eight was difficult due to some motor skill development and month nine was difficult due to cutting teeth. In any event, the last two weeks (wedding included) she has slept really well for us. Now going down is another story...
- Rebelling. Ellie is starting to voice her dislike of certain things, be it getting her diaper changed, going to sleep, sitting in her highchair, getting in the car, etc. It's not a big deal right now. It is, however, quite a change given she has been such an easy-going baby up until now; and, she still is an easy-going baby, but this is definitely a different side of our angel that we are just now starting to see.

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