Sunday, March 27, 2011


For those keeping score at home, you know we've not been shy about declaring how impressed we are with Ellie's mental prowess. Don't look for that to change anytime soon; she continues to impress. Ellie is reading a wide assortment of "sight" words, spelling many of those same words, and doing well with some basic addition (and, to a lesser extent, subtraction). My only worry is, as she advances, how do we maintain her interest in learning? Suggestions are welcome.


1 comment:

Aunt Laurie said...

The new technology is great. I began doing "homework" with Nick at age 2. I know with Nick I always made doing "homework" our special time. So he looked forward to each day doing a page or two in his learning books. He was also ahead of most kids his age. In k-3 we had to send extra workbooks for him to do to keep him busy and refrain from being bored. Just make each learning experience fun and she will continue to excel and desire to learn.