Saturday, March 26, 2011


At approximately 3:30 this morning, Ellie could be heard over the baby monitor: "I'm scared." EM checked on her. She was having a nightmare about skunks. EM stayed with her a while, and suggested she think of pleasant thoughts. Ellie's response: "I'm thinking of yellow playdoh."

Over the years we've been awakened for any number of reasons. But to my recollection, this was the first time she clearly articulated a nightmarish scenario. We pressed her for details later. She said the skunks were spraying people. Yuck. I might have been disturbed by that dream, too.

I'm debating introducing her to PePe LePew via YouTube.


PS - We've discussed when do we stop using the baby monitor. The jury is still out on that one. But 18 doesn't sound too unreasonable.

1 comment:

Aunt Laurie said...

How funny! 18 is definitely a wonderful idea. Sometimes I find myself with my ear to the vent.....