Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Turns out its a . . .

. . .virus.

We saw Dr. Betsy yesterday. Ellie has a virus. Her mouth and tongue are filled with sores. Poor girl isn't eating or drinking much, just what she can to get by. Dr. Betsy said just give pain killers until it runs its course. Maybe a few days this will get better. She is crankier now without the fever. Mouth sores are the worst.

She was quite a trooper at the doctor's office yesterday. She sat patiently in the waiting area. We had to sit on the sick side. I was praying she wouldn't get up and start touching too much stuff or want to play with the other kids there. She sat quietly in her own chair. Once in the exam room the nurse took a rectal temp. Ellie promptly asked "Can we do it again? No, can we do it two more times?" as the nurse finished. Dr. Betsy came in and examined Ellie. She sat so still for her, but didn't care for the mouth exam. Despite the gagging on the tongue depressor Ellie still asked "Can we do it again?" to Dr. Betsy. She just loves the doctor's office.



Aunt Laurie said...

Sweet, silly girl! Maybe she'll be a doctor one day.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Or a hypochondriac!

Ellie's Parents said...

50/50 shot at this point, right?! Anyhow, I will say this about Wednesday evening... in the two plus years we've had the pleasure and privilege of parenting Ellie, this was by far the worst time I can recall. She was a miserable little girl. Some of it was illness, no doubt; but, I think some of it was terrible two's.