While I was in Chapel Hill, Nanny and EM took Ellie in for her fifteen month check-up with Dr. Betsy. Ellie did well, although I guess some squirming on her part made it difficult to get precise measurements. With that said, she's somewhere around 22lb and 31in (the 40th and 90th percentiles, respectively) - tall and thin.
EM told Dr. Betsy about how Ellie has been inconsistent (at best) about her milk drinking, but that we have compensated with cheese and yogurt. No sooner does EM reveal this then Ellie becomes a milk-chugging-machine. All EM and I could think to do this weekend was shrug and laugh.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Change of pace
Work took me to Hickory (yesterday) and Chapel Hill (today and tomorrow; I could have stayed over but then I wouldn't get to see my girls), so daddy daycare had to fully suspend operations for the first time since opening. I dropped Ellie off with Nanny on my way to Hickory on Tuesday. EM stayed home today to care for our little darling. And tomorrow Nanny will watch Ellie here.

I miss my girl. It's hard, after being home with her for more than a year, to spend three days mostly without her. But she seems to have handled it all pretty well (so far) and, ultimately, I think this has been good for all involved.
P.S. - Following up on the last post, our technical issues have been resolved as evidenced by the blog banner being updated (and, of course, this post).
P.P.S. - Thanks Nanny!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Technical difficulties...
...will prevent me from updating the blog banner with new photos today. Once the problem is resolved, I'll have new photos for all to enjoy.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
That can't be our baby!
EM and I caught ourselves marveling this weekend at how Ellie is growing - it's just mind-boggling to think about her development over the last 14+ months. So as we near the date that marks her 15 months of life, take a look back at our little girl from this time last year.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Strange bedfellows
More often than not, Ellie sleeps by herself. However, every once in a while - and with more frequency as of late - she'll latch on to something right before bedtime and end up sleeping with it. Some of those items have included: Mr. Boogs, an article of clothing, a stuffed animal, a small tote bag, one of her Little People, and - most recently - a book: Pat the Bunny.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Pick
So AK comes over for dinner and we're trying to get Ellie to show her some of her new tricks, words, etc. Ellie shyly complies only once or twice before... picking her nose for the first time that we're aware of. Yeah! New trick. I guess if she was gonna do it, better she do it for AK than just about anyone else.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Public Library 1, Kindermusik 0
Today, Ellie and I participated in a free demonstration of Kindermusik. It seemed OK, and I heard no objections from Ellie. However, it wasn't drastically different from the "Book Babies" program we've participated in at the library - and the library is free (moreover, you aren't dismissed from the library when the program is over).
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Playing Outside
Friday, September 5, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Daddy daycare opened up one year ago! It's hard to believe we've been doing this for a year. A great deal has happened in that time - mostly related to her development, but almost certainly including some on my part. All I can think to say is whew - I haven't damaged her (at least not physically) and I'm still in one piece, too. As such, I think we each deserve a pat on the back.
Monday, September 1, 2008
No cookouts for us...
...on this Labor Day. Nope. Nothing but hunkering down and doing our best to console an ill little girl. I'm not sure if it's a cold or teething or allergies, but she's clearly not well.
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