Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Connection

Today's post is not really about Ellie even though I know that is completely contrary to the "mission statement" of this blog. Today's entry is about you, the reader. This little blog dedicated to one precious little girl is reaching a little milestone - 1,000 visits. In an effort to mark this achievement, I thought I'd have a little bit of fun* interaction with Ellie's fans.

This blog has been an entertaining experiment for me and I've been delighted with the results as well as the responses I've received. It's really neat to think about 10 weeks (that's right, she's ten weeks old and I guess I've just contradicted myself by making this post kind of sort of about her - oh well) of a new life being tracked, in this forum, by countless people - friends, family, acquaintances and strangers. I've noticed hits from all across the country and, even though I'm sure it was by accident, all over the world - thank you all for tuning in.

Now for the above-promised interaction. Your mission: tell me what the four most recent posts have in common (other than, of course, Ellie). The first one to correctly notify me, in any manner you choose, will earn bragging rights. Additionally, if you really push me on the issue of compensation, I could be persuaded to send you a framed image of your favorite Ellie picture (this might sweeten the pot for any non-competitive family members out there; otherwise, I could possibly be embarassed by an overwhelming lack of interaction).


*I realize this may be construed by some as a pathetic example of fun.


Anonymous said...

i was going to say that all the posts are about ellie's outings...but then the post about her bubbles doesn't qualify. also, does the post with just pictures count as one of the four?
if you get the chance, email me.

Ellie's Parents said...

Part of the challenge is, in fact, deciding what I mean by the four most recent posts. Do I mean "Saturday" thru "2m" or do I mean "Connection" thru "Doctor?"

Here's a clue: You may want to go phishing for the answer.


Ruth Anne Adams said...

Is it that all the post titles are also the names of pop songs?

Ellie's Parents said...

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

Doctor, Doctor - Thompson Twins
Tiny Bubbles - Don Ho
Saturday in the Park - Chicago
The Connection - Phish

Good job, RAA! I had a hunch you'd come through.