Monday, February 23, 2009

My peeps

I don't know that we can say we are now potty training Ellie, but we are definitely planting the seeds. You see, for the last month or two we've been talking to Ellie about how big people use the potty. But since she has mostly had the attention span of a gnat during this time, all we could do was mention it to her in passing.

Well last week EM actually got her to sit on the potty and try to pee. And whaddyaknow? She did it on her very first try! Since that time, it has become an evening routine. Each night before bath time, Ellie sits on the potty and EM reads her a story. And intermittently EM and Ellie talk about peeing. Unfortunately, we have had no repeat of the first night success; however, it is really no big deal since we are achieving another objective in the meantime: having her sit still for an extended period of time.

Anyhow, I provide all this as background because tonight I heard Ellie say the cutest thing: "Come out peep peep." Alas, her peeps would not cooperate.



Ruth Anne Adams said...

Maybe she's talking about the yellow sugar marshmallow beasts?

Ellie's Parents said...

Well, I guess it is getting close to that time of year.... I personally can't stand those things, but I'm pretty sure EM likes them.