Ellie can. Surprisingly, it's her first animal noise.
As I mentioned in a prior post, her favorite tv program is "Jack's Big Music Show." Sadly, I can't find a clip pertaining to the episode in question so I'll summarize for you (since I know you're anxiously waiting to know where I'm going with this):
Jack, Mary and Mel learn that Laurie Berkner will stop by the clubhouse to sing a song with them. However, in preparation for the big song, she has asked that they have three things ready upon her arrival: a bird, a sheep and an elephant. Unable to summon these animals on their own, Jack and Mary learn that Mel has created an "animal-caller-thingy." Using Mel's invention they successfully call a bird and a sheep; but, unfortunately, the elephant call is "on the fritz." That's when the Schwartzman Quartet stops by with a solution captured in a song: "...you can call for a this, you can call for a that; you can call for your cane and you can call for your hat; but you can't call an elephant, you can't call an elephant, without an elephant call...." Their musical wisdom prompts Jack, Mary, the bird and the sheep to begin making elephant calls of their own (Mel is busy trying to fix his invention with the assistance of the monkeys that responded to his broken elephant call). This, you'll be glad to know, is how Ellie learned how to make an elephant noise.
We've seen this episode countless times (as you parents know), and EM and I will usually play along for Ellie's sake, so I know she's heard these noises from us (and Jack, et al) countless times. Anyhow, Nanny was watching Ellie the other day and they were watching this particular episode of Jack when... bam... Ellie made the elephant noise (I don't believe Nanny was aware of any of what I just wrote so this was all quite unexpected). Nanny then tells EM and EM tells me, so first chance we get we quiz Ellie and sure enough... she makes the elephant call, and she has continued to do so over the last couple of days (sometimes she even throws in the arm-as-an-elephant-trunk-gesture).
It's funny. You'd think, with us having Spunky and Q, she'd bark; or, maybe, with her rubber ducky themed baths, she'd quack; but, no, our daughter chooses this. I guess, though, it is in keeping with some of her other quirks - her first favorite toy, Mr. Boogs, and habitually pooping under the table (a post for another day). She really ceases to amaze me. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
PS - For those of you interested in the outcome of Jack: The gang's attempts at an elephant call fail, but then they wonder if using a musical instrument might work instead. To that end, they try a kazoo and a whistle, without success, before they come across a trumpet. Thankfully, the trumpet works and the elephant arrives just before Laurie does. The song goes off without a hitch: "...I was walking through the park on a beautiful day; I saw a little elephant who was looking my way; now elephants can't talk but they sure can sing; that elephant had an elephanty rhythm...." The End.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Signs and Steps
Some time ago Ellie learned the sign for milk. I was very determined to teach her this. Since she was tiny I would make this gesture prior to feeding her milk. I don't remember at exactly what point it occurred, but out of the blue she started copying my gesture. Now just about every time she has milk she does this.
FYI- this video has an extra special moment in it. We caught Ellie taking a step. She is taking one to two steps at a time by herself now.
FYI- this video has an extra special moment in it. We caught Ellie taking a step. She is taking one to two steps at a time by herself now.
Follow up
Just following up on Ellie's birthday post from the other day... we saw Dr. Betsy today and everything is a-ok. Ellie weighs twenty pounds - even, and she is thirty inches tall. She received three shots today, and had blood taken. The crying was pretty intense, but very short lived. We're very fortunate to have such a healthy and happy baby girl.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
To my sweet baby girl-
I can't believe that a year has gone by. I think back to this day last year and am absolutely amazed at how quickly you have grown up. You have gone from a tiny baby that loved to be swaddled to to a big girl on the move. You continue to amaze us on a daily basis. Everyday you show us something new. Everyday you seem smarter and funnier. Daddy and I can't imagine life without you. We look forward to each day with you and each new adventure. We love you very much and are very proud of you. Happy 1st Birthday.
I love you,
Note: This isn't the best picture, but it that really opened my eyes to how you are not a baby anymore.
Happy Birthday!!!
It's very hard to believe it's been a year since our little angel entered this world; and, while this blog does a fair job of capturing some of what has transpired in that year, we wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the things Ellie is doing at this particular milestone (to be followed with an entry regarding height, weight, etc., when we see Dr. Betsy on Thursday):
- spontaneously says momma and dada
- uses sign language to ask for milk (I can't believe we haven't gotten this on video yet)
- arguably says wawa (water), doggie, baby and Jack (see next item) with some prompting
- dances/wiggles and claps her hands when her favorite tv show comes on
- responds to certain commands/questions such as "shut the door", "turn on/off the light", "where's the bus", "where's the doggies" and "how big is Ellie"
- loves to thumb through books
- crawling, cruising, standing in place and even taking a step or two
- loves to look at herself, be it in the mirror or in pictures (and will even kiss her image)
- greets mommy at the door when she comes home from work
- waves hi and bye
- gives hugs
- smells flowers
- has a low tolerance for baths even though she loves pool time and sticking her hand under running water
- loves fruit (especially blueberries and bananas)
Posted with much pride and love by Daddy (with lots of pride, love and help from Mommy)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!

This father's day is decidedly less eventful than the last one. It is, however, just as enjoyable in a different kind of way.
Today we're mostly just decompressing from yesterday's party. Fun was had by all, and Ellie did really well. She received many gifts from those present and even some who weren't - thanks to you all. The attendees included: Nanny and Grandpa, Grammy and Poppy, Uncle Bill, AK, Becky and Johnathan and Payton, and Gretchen and Jason. The food, as was the company, was good and plentiful and we were even able to get most of the grilling done before the rain came.
I think Tuesday we'll have a small celebration - just the three of us - and that should be just as enjoyable as our larger gathering yesterday, but in a different kind of way.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mini AK? Translation: Trouble.
In our continuing effort to look for ways to socialize Ellie, we went to our first baby story time at the library. Oddly, there were no stories involved today but that may have been a factor of a substitute instructor being present. There was, however, singing and "dancing" followed by playtime. We were only there for about thirty minutes since the building had to be evacuated for some unknown reason. Ellie seemed to enjoy our time there, and she was not the least bit shy about mingling with others (unlike her parents). Instead she was acting just like Aunt Katie: getting in other babies' faces and taking other babies' toys (read: not wanting to share; something AK is famous for). She even got into a little tug-o-war with one of the baby girls (Kelly?). No one got hurt and there were no hard feelings. We'll definitely go back and we'll probably even include another branch in our adventures.
Tomorrow we will host a small gathering of family and friends in order to celebrate Ellie's first birthday. Nothing extravagant - just grilling some hamburgers and hotdogs (if the weather cooperates), served with some side items and, of course, cake. Ellie gets her own cake. It should be a real hoot to watch her dig into the cake. I will certainly post pictures once I have them.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
You're so vain
I think starting with her first bath, EM and I have talked to Ellie about "the baby in the mirror" as we'd hold her up in front of the bathroom mirror so that she could look at herself. Over time she's grown to recognize herself as the baby in the mirror and she's always enjoyed looking at herself in that setting. Well, in the last few weeks as her awareness of things has really started to blossom, she's more and more interested in her image. For example, we have a collage of Ellie pictures and, of course, this blog. So whenever we're near the collage or the computer, we ask Ellie "where's the baby?" Instantly (if not sooner), her eyes light up, she gets a big smile and she points at her image (be it on the computer or in the frame). It so fun to watch. It is a form of vanity, I guess. And I guess that isn't really a thing to be celebrated, but in this case I'm sure you all understand.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Hot, hot, hot!
We're in the middle of an early summer scorcher (God only knows what that means for the rest of the summer). Of course, the best remedy for such heat (other than staying indoors) is the pool. Sadly, it's hard for EM and I to fit in Ellie's pool; but, that doesn't stop her from having a good time and that's good enough for me!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
One year ago today...
...this blog was born. It's hard for me to believe that in that time I've made over 140 entries, posted countless pictures, and have had over 5500 visits. Pretty cool. It really is wonderful to have this tool so that I can look back at the various posts made, and images captured, and recall certain events, etc; and, certainly, I had that in mind when I created the blog. However, an equally pleasant aspect for me has been my ability to include friends and family, far and wide, on Ellie's progress - I don't think I fully anticipated that part, and so that has been a nice, little bonus to come from this hobby.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
"Shhh... use your indoor voice."
Ellie's been babbling for quite sometime - nothing new there. However, starting this past Saturday, as we roamed the toy aisles of Target, she has added yelling to her repertoire. It's kind of like "HEY DADDY, I WANT THAT TOY!" Or, "MOMMY COME GET ME RIGHT NOW AND FEED ME!" It's kind of funny and, from what I understand, pretty normal; but, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't also just a bit annoying. We keep telling her to use her indoor voice, but so far those are meaningless words to her. I just hope that sooner rather than later she gets the idea.
Monday, June 2, 2008
First Steps
While playing in her crib this past Friday, Ellie made a brief attempt at walking. She was holding onto the side rail when all of a sudden she turned let go and took two steps on her own. She then lost her balance and fell backwards, thankfulkly onto the crib mattress. Needless to say it was her first witnessed (by me only) attempt at walking. No such attempts have been made since Friday, but I know she'll have us running before too long.
Note to Ellie: Make sure Daddy is watching too next time.
Note to Ellie: Make sure Daddy is watching too next time.
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