Saturday, December 31, 2011

Recap and resolution

Anyone paying attention to this blog knows that we've done an awful job of updating this blog for some time now. Moreover, we've been especially bad about capturing and posting photos of Colby.

On that note, Colby is doing well for the most part. The smiles, in particular, are becoming more frequent. He could still stand to sleep better. In fact, what you'll see in these photos is that he has no problem sleeping on others. The problem is at night. In his crib. Alone. He's eating all the time, too. This kid is a chunker. By our best guess, he is weighing in at approximately 15lbs - and he's just two months! We'll get more specifics on that after a regular check up with Dr. Betsy next week.

Anyhow, this recap, with photos, captures our holiday season. But with this recap comes this New Year resolution: we will try to do better with photos of our baby boy.

Nanny, Ellie and Colby at my office prior to taking in the Christmas parade.

Colby with Aunt Brandi. We exchanged gifts with my side of the family at her house.

Grammy and Poppy got Ellie a really cute froggy hat.

Christmas at our house. Santa brought an awesome dollhouse.

Nanny and Pa got Ellie a cool scooter.

Ellie got to hang out with her favorite cousin, "Jakey-boy."



Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry... oops!

For the first time since Ellie's birth, there is no family Christmas card/photo to post. How sad (slack) is that? Oh well. Colby's first Christmas went well. Nothing much to report, really. Ellie's fifth, on the other hand, was a smashing success... topped off with a huge dollhouse. She loves it. The evidence being we've hardly seen her/heard from her since.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lazy day

EM's exhausted. I'm dealing with lingering cold symptoms. Colby is sleeping. And Ellie is sick. As such, we've not done a darn thing today but lay around. Not much fun to report from the Addison home.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sparse updates

The frequency of posts have been considerably less over the last two years or so, and I didn't expect Colby's birth to change that. That said, I do feel I owe an apology to our fans (and him) for not having more content (photos) posted. Obviously, a great deal of this has to do with second baby syndrome, but I believe there's more to it than that.

For example, when Ellie was born I had six weeks off from work - this time two. I also worked a different schedule that allowed me more free time. Another difference would be... Ellie. It's hard to do all that has to be done and care for a toddler and a baby and update this blog. Of course, Colby is different too.

I don't know how to say this without it coming across badly, and that certainly is not the intent. But, it strikes me that he is a needier/fussier baby than Ellie was and that comes with a whole other set of challenges/stresses.

Oh, and then there's fall yard work, Thanksgiving/Christmas and illnesses that have been passed around by the three of us (how he has remained healthy is beyond me).

Put it all together, and it makes sense. I don't feel any better about it... the sparse updates, that is... but, I wanted to note, for the record, why it is what it is.

Looking back at posts for her around this same time frame, I wrote about her being a blob (Colby is too, of course) and I shared this special moment (one of my personal favorites). So, it would seem that our little guy is right on track with his big sister. That means the fun should be right around the corner.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

My kids: 5, Bad guys: 0

I was worried this time around. I figured with Colby in the fold, there'd be enough of a change in the air to jeopardize Ellie's perfect record versus the lowly tarholes. But my kids continue to work their good-luck-magic as the Wolfpack won today 13-0 (the first shutout in the series in about fifty years).

We're the red and white from State,
and we know we are the best.
Hands behind our back,
we can take on all the rest.
GO TO HELL Carolina!
Devils and Deacs stand in line.
The red and white from NC State.
Go State!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Delivery recap

After Ellie's birth, I did my best to recall that day in this post. So here I am four years later attempting to do the same as it relates to Colby. Spoiler alert: it's not nearly as dramatic.

Back then I worked odd hours. Now I work a pretty normal day. On the day of Colby's birth, it started like any other work day: got up, let Ellie watch a show, showered/dressed, fed her, let the dogs out, left for school. Well, while all of this was going on my phone was ringing and ringing, but I was oblivious to it... it was in a far off room and I was "in the zone." Turns out it was EM. See, she had a regularly scheduled doctor's appointment that morning.

At the appointment she was informed they found a small tear in her water. She was ordered to check into labor and delivery immediately. They were going to induce her. So EM had been calling me to give me the latest info. When I realized she had been calling, I figured something was up. But I wanted to get Ellie to school first. Once that was accomplished, I spoke to EM and she updated me. (Actually, I think the delay in talking was helpful because a. it helped me finish my morning without panic, and b. it enabled her to think thru and line up plans for when Ellie was done with school.)

I was to meet her at the hospital asap. So I cleared my calendar, went home, changed clothes and let the dogs out. By the time I got to EM, she was in the delivery room and well taken care of by our nurse, Celeste (she, by the way, informed EM she was a recent grad and was excited to be working her dream job). It was close to 10am. EM was fine, and so we began the wait. By noon the epidural was in and Nanny had arrived. Aunt Katie got there probably around 1pm with lunch for us. Team Baby was reunited, and ready to go at a moments notice. Good thing, too, because by 3pm EM was fully dilated and the pushing began.

There were a few pushes, just the nurse and the rest of us, before Dr. Lipscomb came in (he delivered Ellie too). A few more pushes and Colby was born. It was 4pm. I don't mean to understate this, and I certainly don't mean to speak for EM, but it was that quick and easy (especially compared to Ellie). And that is a good thing.


Friday, October 28, 2011


There are a good many things about Ellie, the early years, that I can't remember; things that seemed important back then don't register now. For instance, EM will ask me if I remember how long it took for Ellie to sleep soundly and I can't recall. Or, she'll ask if I remember how often she fed initially and, again, I draw blanks. So I've been reviewing this blog to get some clues to these and other question. And while I can't specifically remember the time surrounding this post, I suspect we were living an existence very similar to the one we are living now: little sleep paired with much fussiness. It's not fun. But, as this blog reminds me, better times will follow. Soon.


PS - First visit to the pediatrician went well. Colby is right on track.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, bro!

Ellie (and the rest of us) welcomed her brother into the world today! Colby Brent is 8lbs, 10oz. Mommy and baby are healthy and happy. More to follow....


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Me too

Overheard from a fussy, little girl this evening: "I want everything to go my way."


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Any day now...

...we'll officially be a family of four. Our little boy had an original due date of November 2. At EM's last ultrasound (three weeks ago?), she was told that if she has not delivered by October 26 they will induce her (the tech, to EM's dismay, said repeatedly in her Asian accent "he's a very big boy"). This past Thursday she unexpectedly visited the doctor due to a great deal of discomfort. At that visit she learned that she'd dilated 2cm and the doctor predicted it'll be a week to a week and a half at a maximum before the boy is born. So here we are, nearly a week later and we're still waiting. As I said, any day now....


Friday, September 30, 2011

Getting her kicks

This fall, we have introduced Ellie to soccer. Of course, at this age it's just a primer... no real skill or competition is taking place. The coach has described it as trying to herd cats. That said, she seems to enjoy it.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to school

OK. I'm a week late with this one... but, Ellie is back in school and loving it. She's in the same preschool as last year. However, this year she is one of the "big" kids and she goes four days per week as opposed to three days (like last year). Next year: kindergarten.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This morning, Ellie said about the sweetest thing I can remember.

I had just laid her breakfast out in front of her. She had a cartoon on, and I said "Is there anything else you need before I get in the shower?"

She looked at the tv, then at me, then at her breakfast, and replied "Just a little kiss from you."

She got what she wanted, and melted my heart in the process. Such a sweet girl.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

She's mine

For as long as I can remember, I've laughed in my sleep. Not all the time. Not even regularly. However, I can remember occasionally waking myself up due to laughing so much/hard. It's weird, I'm sure. But it's the truth. Even EM has caught me doing it.

This morning, Ellie was sleeping while I was getting ready for work... and then I heard it over the monitor. A chuckle. Then a little more. Then silence. It was clear, at least to me, she was laughing in her sleep.

It is simply one more characteristic we share. Facial features, expressions, temperment, laughing in our sleep. One more bit of proof she's mine.


Friday, July 29, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Too quiet, too long

Sorry. No real excuse. But we haven't been sitting around ignoring the blog, either. I'll present, over the next few days, a photo summary of the last month.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

By the way...

...we went, as a family, for the sonogram this past week. Ellie's gonna have a baby brother. She's very excited. Now for a name....


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

I'm disappointed in myself... for the first time, I failed to make this post on the appropriate day. In all fairness though, yesterday was jammed busy.

The day started with a special birthday breakfast treat for me and my girl. Then she got to enjoy breakfast with Nanny and Pa. I can't recall how Ellie and Nans spent the morning, but they joined me for lunch. After doing who knows what during the afternoon, EM and I took Ellie out to dinner at her favorite restaurant. This was followed by ice cream and shopping.

Today, we spent the morning preparing for her birthday party. Her party featured Aunt Katie, Kinsey and Jack, among others. Nanny and Pa got Ellie her first big girl bike. Ellie was well-behaved and did her best to show affection and appreciation to all.

As if this weren't enough, we've also been prepping for our annual trip to the beach... we leave tomorrow. So, again, while I'm disappointed, I'm gonna try and cut myself some slack.

Happy Birthday, Ellie Rose! Mommy and I love you so much!!!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little reader

Ellie is trying her best to read. Obviously, she's got a way to go but the effort is clearly there. Today, she was trying to read Nanny's mug. The mug reads "Life is a bitch." She spelled b-i-t-c-h and asked Nanny what word that is. Try as she might, Nanny could not fool her with alternate words (I'm envisioning Nanny saying "witch" and Ellie responding "that doesn't start with a B" and so on). Anyhow, Nanny broke down and told her it's a bad word and she need not worry about it (or she need not know what it is). Suffice it to say, Nanny will be drinking from a new mug tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I meant to post this sooner than I did, but life got in the way.... Anyhow, this year of preschool came to an end last week for Ellie. The director hosted a pool party. EM and Nans were in attendance. By all accounts Ellie had fun, and did well. I know she's looking forward to returning in the fall, but for now I'm sure her and Nans will keep each other entertained.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Last night Ellie nearly cried herself to sleep. She insisted she was excited about the new baby, but she was very, very sad that EM might not be able to hold her and the new baby. We did our best to explain how perhaps I could hold the baby while EM holds her (or vice versa); and, we did our best to emphasize how much we love her and how that won't change. I think we might need to spend more time reinforcing that concept.


Breaking the news....

So as you know, we are expecting baby #2. Ellie did not know this, not til Easter anyhow. We took a trip, with Nanny, to meet EM's first nephew (Ellie's first cousin on that side of the family), Jacob. Jacob is about three months old.

After Ellie spent some time with him, and started to grasp the concept of what a little baby is all about, we told her. Her response, "that's awesome!" So we spent the rest of that visit trying to reinforce the concept.

Ever since we delivered the news, she's been very upbeat about it. She is constantly touching EM's belly and talking to the baby. Our little one has a great deal of love to offer, and we are confident she'll make a great big sister.


Monday, April 18, 2011


As was hinted at last month, we are expecting baby number two! EM had a doctor visit today and heard the heartbeat; she's twelve weeks along, with a due date of November 2. We've made no mention to Ellie, yet. That's coming soon enough.

As of now, I think there are three big questions: 1. How can we manage another child? We're beat at the end of each day as it is; 2. Boy or girl? We should find out in June; and, 3. What becomes of this blog? I imagine second baby syndrome is bad enough as it is; I don't know that baby two would stand a chance if he/she was just another "character" at World o' Ellie.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

"I'm awake"

For as long as she has been able to utter those words, that is how EM and I have started our days. That is, for nearly four years, one of us has always gotten up, gone to Ellie's room, and picked her up from her crib/bed. A week ago that began to change.

Monday morning, she uttered those words. But by the time I was able to get to her, we were meeting in the hall. The following day, EM had left for work (as she normally does) long before the little one and I awoke; and, I was greeted, in my room, by the newly brave and independent Ellie. This happened once or twice more during the week and then again today.

As such, EM and I might have to start discussing whether to lock the door or not....


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A prayer wrapped in a riddle (or is it the other way around?)

EM's not been feeling well of late. We've got a handle on it, so no worries. But today, while playing outside at Nanny's, Ellie apparently looked up to the sky and said "Dear God, please make my mommy feel better. And, dear God, please give me a baby brother or sister." Care to figure out the rest? -ED

Sunday, March 27, 2011


For those keeping score at home, you know we've not been shy about declaring how impressed we are with Ellie's mental prowess. Don't look for that to change anytime soon; she continues to impress. Ellie is reading a wide assortment of "sight" words, spelling many of those same words, and doing well with some basic addition (and, to a lesser extent, subtraction). My only worry is, as she advances, how do we maintain her interest in learning? Suggestions are welcome.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


At approximately 3:30 this morning, Ellie could be heard over the baby monitor: "I'm scared." EM checked on her. She was having a nightmare about skunks. EM stayed with her a while, and suggested she think of pleasant thoughts. Ellie's response: "I'm thinking of yellow playdoh."

Over the years we've been awakened for any number of reasons. But to my recollection, this was the first time she clearly articulated a nightmarish scenario. We pressed her for details later. She said the skunks were spraying people. Yuck. I might have been disturbed by that dream, too.

I'm debating introducing her to PePe LePew via YouTube.


PS - We've discussed when do we stop using the baby monitor. The jury is still out on that one. But 18 doesn't sound too unreasonable.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pinkie promise

I normally drop Ellie off in the morning for preschool, but due to work I never get to pick her up. Today, I was home sick (again) but I felt relatively well enough that I figured, "what the heck? I should pick up my daughter for once." Driving home, Ellie asks me to make a pinkie promise.

Me: What's the promise?
Ellie: That I'll be good tonight for Mommy.
Me: That sounds nice, dear.
Ellie: And if I'm not I lose a star.

The night isn't over yet but so far, so good.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank you

Just when I needed it most, Ellie has been at her best. The little stinker knows what's she's doing. Sometimes, of course, that's a bad thing; but for now, all I can do is praise her.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

She said what?

Ellie played a game with me this morning as we prepared to leave the house. The game is "guess the animal":

Ellie: I'm pink with long legs, what am I?
Me: A flamingo! Next...
Ellie: I'm found by paleontologists....

I'm blown away by this, only to have EM remind me that one of Ellie's favorite computer games features this word/occupation significantly. But still....


P.S. The Christmas play rescheduled to January has now been rescheduled for February. Can anyone say "Christmas in July"?