Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dinner conversation

Tonight at dinner, and seemingly out of nowhere, Ellie said "damn." Here's what followed:

Me: What?
Ellie: Damn.
EM: Why did you say that?
Ellie: My Mickey phone is broken.
(EM and I struggle to contain our laughter.)
EM (to Ellie): That's not a nice word. Don't say that again.
EM (to me): I blame you.



Anonymous said...

Holy S&$@!!! I didn't teach it to her!! You can't blame me for her first curse word. Man, that's a load off.

Ellie's Parents said...

No, not the first one; but, some of the more choice ones I'm sure we'll be able to pin on you! (Or, at least that's what I'll tell people.)


Aunt Laurie said...

That is just hilarious! ROFL