Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We're in the new house! It took quite some doing, but everyone is relatively ok. Ellie seems to like her new pink room, and little by little we are starting to feel at home. EM swears it's gonna take 'til December for her to feel settled and, as such, vows to never move again. Fine by me. More later....



Ruth Anne Adams said...

So did you get a side of butt-kickin' with your main dish of moving?

Glad you made it. I hope there's room for a sibling or two.

Ellie's Parents said...

Oh a butt kickin would have been sooo much easier! Never, ever, again!

Anonymous said...

You are too far away from me now!! I hate it!

Ellie's Parents said...

RAA - Definitely more room for a sibling. Now we just gotta wait for this swine flu thing to run it's course (no need in taking unneccesary risks in advance of this pending epidemic when EM and I both work in fields where the exposure risk is high).

KT - Just remember that I'm just a phone call away when you feel the need for humiliation and/or verbal abuse - always glad to help in that regard.