Friday, July 3, 2009

Training update

We woke up today with the intent to make this day, and all holiday weekend if need be, all about potty training. We had our chocolate ready, as well as Ellie's big girl underwear with plastic underwear to go over it. We figured, given what's transpired recently on this front, that we also had the most important part - a ready, willing and able participant in Ellie. We figured wrong. By lunch she managed to wet at least four sets of underwear, and we were no closer to achieving success than when we began.

As we prepared for nap time, and in spite of there being no measurable success, we resolved to continue our efforts in the afternoon. I think Ellie woke up around 2:30pm and, suffice it to say, by 4pm we were utterly and frustratingly resigned to defeat. We had pumped so many liquids into that girl her bladder was swollen. Yet she absolutely refused to sit on any potty whatsoever. Making things worse, she also refused to wear her underwear:

Us: Do you want to be a big girl and wear big girl underwear? Or, do you want to be a baby and wear diapers?

Ellie: I'm a baby! I want diapers!

All this took place between her crying and/or fussing and/or doing a pee-pee dance. It was a miserable experience for all involved. So, as I said, we admitted defeat and apologized to the little one for pushing her so hard.

The next couple of hours were still pretty miserable as all this fussing and fighting left our little one in a foul mood. By dinner things, mood-wise, had improved and we decided to run some errands with a diapered baby. Right before we walked out the door, Ellie said she had to sit on the potty! So we figured what the heck? Low and behold, she pooped on the potty! We cheered, we smiled, we laughed, we whooped it up! We had chocolate, too. And the rest of the night went amazingly well.

Don't get me wrong. She hasn't visited the potty since that time. But the return of her good spirits, and the brief success we experienced, were enough to help us get over the sore feelings from earlier in the day. And it all goes to show that no matter what we do, or want, as parents, what the children do is ultimately up to them.

Anyhow, I think the rest of this weekend will be much more relaxing.



Ruth Anne Adams said...

Sometimes there's fear with the need to poop. They don't quite know if they'll still be intact after that.

Reward what you want more of: dry pants in between peeing/pooping in the potty.

We ran a clock for 5-10 minutes. If the child was dry after 5 minutes, child got small reward [like 1 M&M; 1 Runt], for peeing in the pot, child got 3 small rewards; pooping in pot, child got 5.

Kid will learn to stay dry and pee/poop where it needs to go. No need to force the fluids too much on this plan. If she's already gone pee in the potty, she knows what that feels like.

Just my 2 M&Ms worth.

Anonymous said...

Good effort you two!!

Sara said...

Maybe if she sees Kinsey use the potty that will motivate her more (?) Or else maybe try again in a month or so!