Saturday, December 31, 2011

Recap and resolution

Anyone paying attention to this blog knows that we've done an awful job of updating this blog for some time now. Moreover, we've been especially bad about capturing and posting photos of Colby.

On that note, Colby is doing well for the most part. The smiles, in particular, are becoming more frequent. He could still stand to sleep better. In fact, what you'll see in these photos is that he has no problem sleeping on others. The problem is at night. In his crib. Alone. He's eating all the time, too. This kid is a chunker. By our best guess, he is weighing in at approximately 15lbs - and he's just two months! We'll get more specifics on that after a regular check up with Dr. Betsy next week.

Anyhow, this recap, with photos, captures our holiday season. But with this recap comes this New Year resolution: we will try to do better with photos of our baby boy.

Nanny, Ellie and Colby at my office prior to taking in the Christmas parade.

Colby with Aunt Brandi. We exchanged gifts with my side of the family at her house.

Grammy and Poppy got Ellie a really cute froggy hat.

Christmas at our house. Santa brought an awesome dollhouse.

Nanny and Pa got Ellie a cool scooter.

Ellie got to hang out with her favorite cousin, "Jakey-boy."



Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry... oops!

For the first time since Ellie's birth, there is no family Christmas card/photo to post. How sad (slack) is that? Oh well. Colby's first Christmas went well. Nothing much to report, really. Ellie's fifth, on the other hand, was a smashing success... topped off with a huge dollhouse. She loves it. The evidence being we've hardly seen her/heard from her since.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lazy day

EM's exhausted. I'm dealing with lingering cold symptoms. Colby is sleeping. And Ellie is sick. As such, we've not done a darn thing today but lay around. Not much fun to report from the Addison home.