Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A prayer wrapped in a riddle (or is it the other way around?)

EM's not been feeling well of late. We've got a handle on it, so no worries. But today, while playing outside at Nanny's, Ellie apparently looked up to the sky and said "Dear God, please make my mommy feel better. And, dear God, please give me a baby brother or sister." Care to figure out the rest? -ED

Sunday, March 27, 2011


For those keeping score at home, you know we've not been shy about declaring how impressed we are with Ellie's mental prowess. Don't look for that to change anytime soon; she continues to impress. Ellie is reading a wide assortment of "sight" words, spelling many of those same words, and doing well with some basic addition (and, to a lesser extent, subtraction). My only worry is, as she advances, how do we maintain her interest in learning? Suggestions are welcome.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


At approximately 3:30 this morning, Ellie could be heard over the baby monitor: "I'm scared." EM checked on her. She was having a nightmare about skunks. EM stayed with her a while, and suggested she think of pleasant thoughts. Ellie's response: "I'm thinking of yellow playdoh."

Over the years we've been awakened for any number of reasons. But to my recollection, this was the first time she clearly articulated a nightmarish scenario. We pressed her for details later. She said the skunks were spraying people. Yuck. I might have been disturbed by that dream, too.

I'm debating introducing her to PePe LePew via YouTube.


PS - We've discussed when do we stop using the baby monitor. The jury is still out on that one. But 18 doesn't sound too unreasonable.